Medicine. Movement. Nutrition. Sleep. Mind-Thoughts-Breath.

with AS is different. Moving with AS is different. Breathing with AS is different... And so it's up to us to learn how to live differently with AS, while continuing to pursue our goals and live the lifestyle we envision.

Each fundamental health behaviour on its own - Medicine, Movement, Nutrition, Sleep, or Mind-Thoughts-Breath, done well has the potential to change the course of your Personal Disease Management Practice... However, when you integrate all 5 fundamental behaviours effectively, in 24hr, 1 Week, 1 Month, Seasonal, and Yearly cycles... new levels of healing, restoration, and healthy gene expression, can be achieved.

Each fundamental health behaviour has dozens if not hundreds of sub-techniques to explore. The Altas Health "Learning to Heal" Lecture Series (Season 1) is designed to help you safely and effectively explore cutting edge health behaviour innovations in a way that is sensitive to the challenges of Inflammatory Back Pain, Axial Spondyloarthritis, and Ankylosing Spondylitis specifically. This series will help you innovate in your personal practice and rediscover control, day by day, week by week, and month by month.

You can achieve extraordinary levels of healing, recovery, and deep joint restoration that you did not think were possible - if indeed you explore and innovate correctly in your practice, with the right techniques, within the fundamental health behaviours, Medicine, Movement, Nutrition, Sleep, and Mind-Thoughts-Breath.

This Altas Health Production: "Learning to Heal" (Season 1), contains an applied method, style of practice, and fundamental approach to solving the question of how to understand, meet, and transform the challenges of managing Inflammatory Back & Joint Pain, Axial Spondyloarthritis, and Ankylosing Spondylitis in one's daily life.